Holy Chicken!

Morgan Spurlock asked us to help launch SuperSize Me 2 in an unforgettable way and let the world know that all is not right in the world of “healthier” chicken restaurants. I helped created a new chicken restaurant from scratch that was brutally honest about just how dishonest fast food advertising can be at the “healthier for you” chicken shops. Supersize me 2 is now available for free on youtube.


“Healthier for you” chicken restaurants really aren’t healthier for you, but the marketing around them sure does make it seem that way. And on top of that, the farmers those chains claim to support are being squeezed beyond belief.


Designing the store

The best part of fast food is the advertising. So we went all out creating a new brand from scratch and putting it to work on in-store signage, the menu, swag, and of course our packaging. And every piece of that marketing brought the same healthwashing approach as our competitors, but instead of making vague health claims, we gave the straight up facts about our food.


Supersize me 2

Watch the whole movie “Holy Chicken: Supersize me 2” on youtube in the link below


Judgy McJudgerson

